December 31, 2015

Meet the Neighbors: Anger Management

VIDEO #420
Turn up the volume on this one, some great dialogue that isn't so safe for the work place! This "exercise" went on for about 25 minutes so editing it down was difficult as I had to cut some key moments. Let's call this, "The Best Of" and please enjoy 4 minutes of awesome!
Watch on YouTube

September 27, 2015

Better Off Dead vs Silento - "Watch Me"

VIDEO #419
Classic movie scene from Better Off Dead reedited with quite possibly the most annoying song to date, Silento - "Watch Me." SHOOSH!!!"
Watch on YouTube

September 9, 2015

Land of the Shaka

VIDEO #418
The Big Island, Hawaii is now and forever the land of the shaka for me after touring around with great friends having amazing adventures. Super Shaka!
Watch on YouTube

June 21, 2015

The Road Trip (2002)

VIDEO #417
After going through some old footage from the Hi8 camera days, I came across a road trip my dad and I took from Minnesota to Nevada. Today being Father's Day, I thought what better way to celebrate than sharing a great memory we had driving across country together, shooting the strange sites that capture the American West and all of its glory, or lack there of depending on what route you take. Happy Father's Day Dad. Let's hit the open road again, blast some tunes and shoot the breeze. Love you tons!